
Office of Vice President for Administration
Office of Vice President for Administration


Office of Vice President for Administration

Vice President

Wu, Tung-Shen

Vice President




TEL:+886-4-2496-1100 ext.6003

Journal Papers

  1. 吳東昇, "The Effects of User Involvement in Online Games, Game-Playing Time and Display Duration on Working Memory [Lecture Notes in Computer Science]," , 2013.
  2. 吳東昇, "以生物力學觀點探討起身動作的影響因素 [國立台北教育大學期刊]," , 2011.

Conference Papers

  1. 吳東昇, "The Leadership of Coaches as a Predictor for Satisfaction of Athletes [AABSS American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences]," , 2014.
  2. 吳東昇, "高中職體育教師工作價值觀與教學效能關係之研究 [2013體育運動發展學術論文專刊]," , 2013.

Research Projects

  1. 校園節能淨源技術之開發與教育推廣典範計畫 (2012-04 ~ 2012-12)
  2. 校園節能淨源技術之開發與教育推廣典範計畫 (2011-04 ~ 2011-12)
  3. 太陽光電發電示範系統

Competition, Honors and Reward

  1. 中華民國高爾夫協會_C級裁判證[(99)高協C判字第038] (2012-08)
  2. 中華民國高爾夫協會_C級裁判證[(99)高協C判字第038號] (2011-08)
  3. 中華民國工業安全衛生協會_甲級勞工安全衛生業務主管[安基甲業主管字第00509006號] (2008-02)
  4. 資深優良教職員工 (2007-12)
  5. 衛生署_基本救命術指導員合格證書[BC10018505] (2007-08)
  6. 秀傳紀念醫院_心肺復甦術合格證書[CP00769] (2006-08)
  7. 資深優良教師 (2004-08)
  8. 中華民國高爾夫委員會_高爾夫B級教練證[930823] (2004-08)